1.Previous requirements
1.1.AliExpress seller account
In order to use the plugin, you need to be registered as a seller on AliExpress.
You can register here:
1.2.Free onboarding (optional)
We can do a free guided session on how the plugin works. In the session we help you to install and configure it.
You can request it here:
2.Installation and initial configuration
Per caricare una categoría di prodotti, clicchiamo sul pulsante “Prodotti” per vedere la lista:
Una entrati in prodotti selezioniamo la categoria que vogliamo caricare e clicchiamo su “Filtrare”,
Una volta filtrata, clicchiamo sul pulsante “caricare prodotti a ALiExpress” e automaticamente si caricheranno tutti i prodotti di questa categoria. Se qualche prodotto è già stato caricato, aggiorna i dati del prodotto.
2.2.Login and initial setting
When activated we will make the connection between AliExpress and the plugin. We just have to go to the new menu called ‘AliExpress’ located on the the side menu. You will be asked to enter the email address of your AliExpress account. Once is done, click on authorize.
Once you have logged in into AliExpress we will go back to our website and a message will pop up indicating that the connection was successful. The initial settings are easy once the plugin has been plugged to AliExpress.
The General Options tab shows several options, which we explain below.
2.3.Upload products with empty attributes
Woocommerce allows you to put a stock control or simply say if there is stock available on any product or not, AliExpress needs a numeric value to show the products, by default this number is 100, but you can put the stock you need.
2.4.Shipping Template
We select among the spipping options we have configured in Aliexpress previously.To configure the shipping options in AliExpress, go to “Seller Center”
2.5.Create correlative SKUs
When we have variations in our products and we did not create an SKU for these is necessary to mark this option, because SKU will be created correlatively in all its variants and can be uploaded on AliExpress.
2.6.Upload products with empty attributes
Woocomerce has support. It means that when we create a variation of a product these variation can be for instance of “Any Color”. In these cases the product cannot be sent to AliExpress, as it is necessary to establish all possible combinations of the product as separate combinations. This default option is disabled, as this way there will be no stock control of these variations.
If you do not have a stock control on your products you can activate this option and publish the combinations we have seen above. The plugin will create whatever is necessary before sending the product to AliExpress.
2.7.Token Cron
Token cron we give the possibility to change our token for our scheduled tasks.
2.8.Product Cron
The cron is in charge of uploading products that have been modified.
We must create the scheduled task (Task Cron) in our administration panel of our hosting with the appropriate frequency to our movement of stock, price, etc… For instance, we should establish the scheduled task every hour in a store with enough rotation. In case we do not have much rotation we can put it every 4 or every 8 hours.To set this task you can ask your hosting for help, they will tell you the correct command to use.
2.9.Cron Order
This URL is the one that we must use to establish the programmed task in our hosting. Like the task of products, this task we will establish a frequency depending on the number of order that we receive in AliExpress, we can configure it every hour or every 4 hours.
2.10.Debug Mode
Debug mode is used whenever there is a problem uploading products to AliExpress. When the option is enabled the products will not be uploaded but they will be shown just to see what data will be sent after and find out any possible error with them.
3.Category Mapping
In order to place our products correctly in the AliExpress Marketplace, we have to do a “category mapping”, i.e. Link our WooCommerce categories with the AliExpress categories. To do this click on Categories
Here is a list of our categories:
Then we click on the button “Select an AliExpress category”. A pop-up window will open showing the AliExpress categories. We have to select the appropriate category, displaying each category and always marking the last level (you can not select a category Parent if you have descendants):
Once selected, some fields will appear for us to fill in:
Add percentage to the price: Here we can increase or decrease the price, or leave the current PVP.
Default product size: In case you do not have defined the size of any of the products in this category, we can define some default values here for those that are missing.
Disconnect:This button is used to untie a category that we had linked previously. By pressing this button it will not be synchronized anymore.
Very important:Do not forget to press “Save” once you fill in the fields.
4.Attribute Mapping
Once the categories are mapped, we do the same with the attributes. The attributes are the different variations the product have (e.g. in ‘Clothing’ that would be the different sizes). We click on Attributes, and then select the category we want to map the attributes:
First we have to select which AliExpress attribute matches our own ones. Once selected, we mark the terms that match (The Plugin automatically identifies and assigns some terms. If you agree with the assignment made by the module, you only have to continue):
The plugin does not allow “Mapping” the term more than once (For intance, if you have already marked a color attribute with the term “red”, there can be no other color attribute with the same term). If you map the same term more than once, the plugin will mark the two repeated attributes in red and will not let you save until you fix it.
Important note: When we are all done mapping all the attributes and terms, we press the button “Save Attribute Mapping”.
The use of Alias is for exceptional cases:
If we want to use a different term, we associate our attribute term with the most similar one and mark the option “Use Alias” (not valid in all attributes), and then fill in the text field with the Alias we want to use.
We give you an example: we have a color called “Turquoise Blue” in our WooCommerce and we notice that AliExpress does not include that color. In this case we click on “use Alias”. We choose some color that we do not use in our mapping, we mark it using aliases and we put the name “Turquoise Blue”.
This way when we synchronize our color will come out. This option is allowed in some attributes.
5.Characteristics Mapping
The next step will be the mapping the required characteristics Aliexpress gives us depending on every category. The characteristics are the properties each product has independently of the attributes (AliExpress uses them in orfer to filter the system). To map the characteristics we click on characteristics. A list of the categories we have mapped will appears. Click on the one we want to map:
then we associate our features to those on AliExpress. The plugin automatically recognizes and associates some features and feature terms. If you agree with the association made by the plugin then proceed. If not, modify them the way you wish.
When finished, we press the ‘Save Characteristics Mapping’ button.
6.Upload / Update a product
Once the mappings are finished, we can start publishing products. Click on products to see the list:
To upload (or update) any product, simply click the upload button.
7.Upload / Update a Category
To upload a product category, click on products to see the list:
Then mark the category we want to upload and click on ‘filter’. Once filtered, click the button ‘Upload products to AliExpress’ and all the products in that category will automatically be uploaded. If a product is already uploaded just update the product data.
8.See published products
Click on products to see the products we have published in AliExpress. Then click on the button ‘AliExpress Products’ and it will show us all the products we have uploaded:
9.Steps to publication
Once the mapping steps are finished we begin with the publication:
First of all, we recommend you to upload products using the category upload method seen above, this process must be done one by one until all categories are completed.
Once finished the publication of all our products we will establish the programmed tasks in our hosting, this way they will be updated and will publish the products that we are creating in our WooComerce.
Here are the orders received from AliExpress. To see orders from a certain time range or any state just enter the data and click “Filter”.
11.Mark order as shipped
Once we ship our order, we need to indicate to AliExpress that has been shipped, as well as the shipping number. Click on the order and open the menu to edit order:
In this window we have to select the transporter that we are going to use, put the shipping number and mark the order as finished. Once is done, click on update.
Every time you send products to Aliexpress (Does not matter whether it’s to create them or just to update some data) a “Job” is created. When Aliexpress finishes processing this job, we can check wether the job has been uploaded without problems or there has been any. To check it, we click on “Jobs”. Here it shows us the jobs carried out in the last 24 Hours by default. If we wish to see a different range of times, type the range of dates you would like to see and click on “Filter”.
Once pressed, we can see the jobs, the products that make up the job, the finished ones and whether the job has finished or not.